More than a few people have a deep fear of needles – often it stems from early childhood experiences and just the thought of a needle makes their skin crawl. So it makes sense that they can’t see acupuncture as form of medical treatment.
But if you’ve tried everything else to get rid of aches and pains and nothing seems to work, try an acupuncturist. After all, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China for treating a wide range of illnesses.
An acupuncturist, like a typical doctor, will take your personal medical history. He or she will also listen for any tell-tale sounds your body may be making. Your acupuncturist may also take a good look at your tongue. Because off color tongues can indicate that you have a problem with an organ. And another indicator of health problems that the acupuncturist may be concerned with will be the smell of your body. Odd body smells can indicate health problems or organ problems.
Then based on what information the acupuncturist gleans from the examination, he or she will insert very fine needles into appropriate places on your body. Many claim that the needles actually relax you and don’t hurt a bit.
In Chinese medicine, illnesses are often seen as a problem of the organs not being in harmony. And also the bodies vital force or “chi” is blocked. Insertion of needles acts to unblock the pathway so that the natural flow of chi throughout the body is restored.
Although western science doesn’t understand exactly how acupuncture works, there is a growing body of proof that it is effective. Medical researches in the U.S. have found that adenosine, a natural pain killer in the body, is found in higher concentrations near area where acupuncture needles were inserted. This may explain why it works.
A host of bodily afflictions can be cured by acupuncture. Severe illnesses and the not so sever conditions like simple aches and pains can be improved by using acupuncture treatments.
So if you have yet to get some pain relief from traditional western cures, give acupuncture a try – you have nothing to lose but your pain.
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