If You Have High Blood Pressure Lower Your Cholesterol

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, being over weight, inactive lifestyles and smoking are high risk factors regarding heart attacks and strokes. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure it’s strongly recommended that you lower your cholesterol level as part of a plan to prevent a heart attack and a stroke from occurring. You can lower your cholesterol level by eating healthy foods and avoiding fatty foods. If an improved diet has not sufficiently lowered your cholesterol level your doctor might recommend you take some medication that is designed to reduce cholesterol. Let’s look at some changes you can make to your diet in order to lower your cholesterol level.

If you have high blood pressure, in order to reduce your cholesterol level you should avoid or reduce the amount of red meat you consume and stay away from sausages and bacon. Avoid foods that contain saturated fats and if you are going to consume dairy products select products that are low in fat. Avoid using lard in your meals and if you are going to use oils select polyunsaturated oils or monounsaturated oils. Avoid or significantly reduce the amount of baked foods you eat such as pastry items and biscuits which are typically high in fat. Don’t use margarines or oils that include trans fatty acids.

Healthy Diet

If you have high blood pressure and you have been eating a healthy diet and you still have a high cholesterol problem your doctor might want you to take some medications such as statins. They work by changing the activity of the enzymes located in the liver in order to prevent the liver from producing cholesterol. Some people have high cholesterol partially due to heredity and they may need the help of statins. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease your doctor might recommend statins to lower your cholesterol level.

Soluble Fiber

If you have high blood pressure there are some food items that can help you reduce your high cholesterol level. Oatmeal can decrease you bad cholesterol (LDL) due to the soluble fiber in oatmeal. Soluble fiber can also be added to your diet by including items such as kidney beans, apples, brussel sprouts, barley, pears, psyllium as well as prunes.

Niacin is the closest thing available to a perfect treatment that corrects most causes of coronary heart disease. Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Niacin plays a critical role in energy production, gene expression, and hormone synthesis. You cannot live without it. Niacin also tends to shift LDL particle distribution to larger particle size and improve HDL functioning. The intake of 3 grams Niacin for as little as two weeks can reduce serum cholesterol by 26 percent.

Some studies have concluded that adding walnuts to your diet can significantly lower your blood cholesterol level. Walnuts are filled with polyunsaturated fats and walnuts also have the ability to keep your blood vessels in a healthy condition and keep them elastic. Don’t eat too many walnuts a day since nuts are high in calories and weight gain increases your chances of acquiring heart disease. Also add some omega three fatty acids to your diet since they have been shown in studies to lower the risk of heart disease. Certain fish, walnuts, flaxseed, soybean oil as well as canola oil contain omega three fatty acids. If you have high blood pressure it’s important not to have a high cholesterol level.

David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease