Five Tips on How to Do Meditation

Meditation is a great way to relax yourself, but meditation also has many other benefits to enhance your life. Meditation means to take a break away from your daily life, from your job, from your concerns, and so on. It means to turn off your mobile phone, turn off may be your telephone and really practice meditation by yourself. Let your computer and your e-mails wait for a minute. And really give yourself some time to do meditation.

Recent research has shown that meditating twice per day for about 10 minutes can reduce stress and other bad side effects of having a hectic life style.

Here are 5 great tips on how to do meditation. Using these tips can help you greatly in starting to meditate. Here are the 5 tips!

1. Where should I meditate?

You should have special place or corner or room in your house or in the place where you meditate. You might want to furnish those areas with special objects that have a spiritual meaning for you that will help you to do your meditation.

Make sure that the place where you do your meditation is quiet, where you have no disturbances such as telephone or other noises. Also make sure that other people know that this is the place where you spend time with yourself, where you do your meditation so you do not get disturbed when you are in this area.

A great way to enhance your meditation is to make sure that the smells are nice. That may be some aroma, incense or some candles to really give that special effect and enhance the feeling of spirituality. Another great place to meditate is in nature. For example you might have a place near a beach or in the woods where you can be quiet and undisturbed and really enjoy nature together with your meditation. Great experiences can be achieved when you meditate in nature. So if you have the opportunity please do it!

2. How should I sit when I do my meditation?

The classic posture is to sit with legs folded and hands resting quietly on the lap or on your knees. This is the classic way but to really do meditation effectively you need to find your own posture to do your meditation. The posture needs to give you a sense of concentration. And at the same time it needs to be comfortable enough.

Now make sure that the balance is right between being concentrated and being comfortable. If you are too concentrated it might be painful which will prevent you from doing more and more meditation. If the posture is too comfortable chances are that you will fall asleep and do no meditation at all. So keep the balance between the two, find a position that is comfortable enough but not too comfortable so you will fall asleep.

This is your meditation so there is no right or wrong way to how to sit or stand to do meditation. But practice and find out which posture is the best for you? You might just want to sit on a chair, cross your legs and sit on the floor or walk around gently in a room. It is up to you, try a few different postures and see which one gives you the greatest benefit.

3. Should my eyes be open or closed?

Some meditations will tell you to close your eyes, other meditations will tell you to open your eyes. Again what is important is what are you comfortable with and what give you the best results. That is the key, what gives you the best benefits when you do your meditation. Some people will keep their eyes closed, and will have great meditation.

Other people will not have good experience when they close their eyes and will fall asleep. For some people it is better to keep their eyes open and do meditation that way. If you keep your eyes closed the biggest danger is to fall sleep. It is very easy when you get some feelings and experiences in meditation to dose off and fall asleep.

So if you keep your eyes closed make sure that you sit in an alert position. This could be on the chair or with your legs folded on the floor. The main thing is to sit up straight, do not be too comfortable because you will fall asleep.

The same goes for when you close your eyes to do your meditation, meditating with your eyes open means to keep your eyes slightly open, it is really like day dreaming. So again there is a slight danger that you will fall asleep. It is easier not to fall asleep when you keep your eyes open during your meditation. But you still need to sit in an alert position. So be comfortable but be alert to sit up straight.

4. How long should I meditate?

Most people will say you need to meditate between 10 and 20 minutes twice a day. That is a very good routine, again it is up to you or you are comfortable with what give you the best results.

If it is 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes to maintain is that you get benefits. Some people will take more benefit by meditating 10 minutes. Other people just need 5 minutes to do their meditation and get great results. Other people want meditate for 20 minutes.

The time is not the most important. The most important is that you do your meditation on a regular basis. Twice a day is very much a good routine. So if you meditate twice a day for five minutes or if you meditate twice a day for ten minutes or for twenty minutes.

The key is that you do your meditation on a regular basis. What will happen is when you do meditation for example for ten minutes a day you really feel the benefit, you will keep it up and you will keep doing it. And you might increase the duration of your meditation from ten minutes to fifteen minutes or twenty minutes. So start off gently but keep a daily routine.

5. Should I have music or not?

Some people like to have some gentle relaxing music in the background when they do their meditation, other people just like to have pure quietness. You need to try it out, do some meditation with some gentle relaxation music in the back ground and see the results. Then do a meditation with just silence and again see the results. The best way is actually to have a balance, start off your meditation with some gentle relaxation music in the background. Then have some nice silence to really enjoy your meditation. And again have some gentle relaxation music now and then to enhance your meditation.

That is it! Those are some great tips to get you on your way to do some great meditation. Enjoy!

For more info : or click here : Learn How To Meditate