The Perfect Guide to Natural Vitamins

Vitamins are a group of substances that play an important role in normal cell function, growth and development. Natural Vitamin is mostly available in a number of different ways, but mostly in health foods.

However, most of the vitamins available from our local pharmacies are synthetic vitamins. They are made from chemical processes as opposed to being derived from their natural material. A natural vitamin is sometimes defined as a concentrated nutrient derived from a quality natural source that retains a bigger part of it. It serves as an alternative to most synthetic healthy remedies due to its purity. Generally, there are 13 essential vitamins which are needed for the body to function. These are:

Vitamin A – The formation and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, soft tissue, mucous membrane and the skin is the main function of this vitamin. Eggs meat and milk are the most common sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin C – Commonly known as ascorbic acid, this is an oxidant that promotes healthy teeth and gums and helps the body absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. It is mostly found in citrus fruits.

Vitamin D – This vitamin is popularly known as sunshine Vitamin and has a role of ensuring Vitamin C is properly absorbed by the body. It also has a role of maintaining the levels of calcium and phosphorous in the blood.

Vitamin E – Its also known as tocopheral and it helps in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin K – Wonder what cabbage and cauliflower contain? Well, it is this vital vitamin that helps in the coagulation of blood in the body.

Vitamin BI (thiamine) – It assists the body in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. It also plays an important role in heart functioning and keeping the nerves healthy.

Vitamin B2 – You may know this vitamin as riboflavin and facilitates the growth and synthesis of red blood cells. To achieve this, there need to be enough Vitamin B in your body.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) – The role of niacin or rather Vitamin B3 as popularly known plays an important role of facilitating the production and harmonization of hormones and cholesterol in the body.

Pantothenic acid – This vitamin assists in the production of hormones and cholesterol and is also very essential for body metabolism.

Biotin – It helps in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates and is essential in the production of hormones and cholesterol.

Vitamin 6 – It assists the body to use protein.

Vitamin B12 – This vitamin is also essential in food digestion.

Folate (folic acid) – Folate Vitamin works in conjunction with Vitamin B12 to aid in the formation of red blood cells. It is involved in the production of DNA which controls the growth and functionality of cell tissues.

Keith Woolley, a health consultant with many years of experience in healthcare, would like to share the knowledge about vitamin supplements which are very useful for our health. For more information log on to the website