Ninetye percent of all teens experience acne on the face to some level. The most severe inflammatory type is sometimes referred to as cystic. The large nodules or boils can appear on the buttocks, in the armpits and anyplace else that sweat collects in the hair follicles or pores .
People used to think that poor hygiene contributed to breakouts, the current advice is to avoid over-cleansing . Over-cleansing strips the skin’s natural oils with harsh cleansers and may encourage the oil-producing glands to artificially increase the production of sebum .
The production of too much sebum by the sebaceous glands is one of the factors that contribute to inflammation deep within the pore. When pores tighten , oils and dead skin cells become trapped .
Bacteria by nature present on the surface of the skin and inside of the pores mixes with the dead cells and sebum to produce the pus that is seen in pimples. It is often said that there are three causes of pimples : inordinate sebum production, overgrowth of bacteria and inflammation. Taking a holistic skin care approach is beneficial .
Measuring things like overproduction of sebum or excessive bacterial growth is very difficult . It is also difficult to figure out how much of a role they play in facial acne. Conversely, it is much easier to measure the role of inflammation, and it is now known that it if likely the primary factor .
The best strategy for reducing breakouts must then focus on inflammation . Here are some tips .
Redness and irritation are sure signs of inflammation , at least to some extent. It’s a good idea to use the mildest cleansers and only when the skin is actually infected, not as a regular part of your daily skin care regimen . Skin care products should include natural ingredients like phytessence wakame.
Although exfoliation may be helpful for removing dead skin cells, products designed for exfoliation usually contain granules that leave miniature scratches in the skin’s surface . So, they actually contribute to inflammation. A glycolic peel done at a spa or a dermatologist’s office would be a better choice. Extrapone nutgrass is also good to help give the skin a more even tone .
The use of a deep cleansing kaolin-based clay mask on a bi-weekly basis can help keep the pores clean and reduce inflammation at the same time. There are many other tips for reducing facial acne. Cleaning gently is just the first step.