The spine is a complex interconnecting network of nerves, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, and all are capable of producing pain. One potential source of back pain is skeletal muscle of the back. Back pain is one of humanity’s most frequent complaints. In the U. S. Back pain (also known “dorsalgia”) is pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. Potential results in of pain in muscle tissue include Muscle strains (pulled muscles), muscle spasm, and muscle imbalances.
Electrotherapy, such as a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) has been proposed. However, one study found that activity is also effective for chronic back pain, but not for acute pain. There are various clinical trials sponsored both by industry and the National Institutes of Health. The Schroth method, a specialized physical working-out therapy for scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, and related spinal disorders, has been shown to bring down severity and frequency of back pain in adults with scoliosis. Osteoporosis Low Back Pain news flash.
Back pain is regularly cited by national governments as having a major impact on productivity, through loss of workers on sick leave. Cold compression therapy is advocated for a strained back or chronic back pain and is postulated to moderate pain and inflammation, especially after strenuous activity such as golf, gardening, or lifting. Back pain can be divided anatomically: neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain or tailbone pain. The benefit of prolotherapy has not been well-documented.
Back pain in individuals with medical conditions that put them at high risk for a spinal fracture, such as osteoporosis or multiple myeloma, also warrants prompt medical attention. Back pain does not usually require immediate medical involvement. Most back pain syndromes are due to inflammation, especially in the acute phase, which typically lasts for two weeks to three months. The vast majority of episodes of back pain are self-limiting and non-progressive.
Back pain in pregnancy may also be characterized by pain radiating into the thigh and buttocks, night-time pain severe enough to wake the patient, pain that is increased during the night-time, or pain that is increased during the day-time. Back pain in pregnancy may be severe enough to cause significant pain and disability and pre-dispose patients to back pain in a following pregnancy. Direct bending to the ground without bending the knee causes severe impact on the lower back in pregnancy and in normal individuals, which leads to distress, especially in the lumbo-saccral region that in turn strains the multifidus. Cost to national governments No significant increased risk of back pain with pregnancy has been found with respect to maternal weight gain, activity, work satisfaction, or pregnancy outcome factors such as birth weight, birth length, and Apgar scores.
The avoidance of high impact, weight-bearing activities and especially those that asymmetrically load the involved structures such as: extensive twisting with lifting, single-leg stance postures, stair climbing, and repetitive motions at or near the end-ranges of back or hip motion can easen the pain. Some national governments, notably Australia and the United Kingdom, have launched campaigns of public health awareness to assistance combat the problem, for example the Health and Safety Executive’s Better Backs campaign. Osteoporosis Low Back Pain report is in.Call upon also Failed back syndrome Low back pain Posterior Rami Syndrome Tension myositis syndrome Upper back pain Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain Spinal stenosis Scoliosis References T. Patel, A. A. Ogle. Inversion therapy is useful for temporary back relief due to the traction method or spreading of the back vertebres through (in this case) gravity. Organized activity programs using these therapies have been developed.