Today people are becoming more and more health-conscious. Fitness programs are being utilized by an increasing number of people. Most cities are home to numerous fitness experts and you can find a gym around every corner. The motivation to stay fit is not just about looking good; people are now aware of the health benefits, which include being heart healthy.
Our hectic lifestyle does not sometimes permit us to take some time out for our body. Going to the gym is of course beneficial. But is it the ‘complete’ solution to building a good body? The fact is that unless you tailor your schedule and diet in such a way that your body responds to them, you will never succeed in gaining muscle.
There are two important things which need to be taken into consideration if you really desire to build muscle and burn fat. First and foremost, you need to change your diet. Food supplies energy to our body. If we do not eat the right food in the right amount, we will never gain muscle.
In order to build muscle weight training is a necessity. Research has shown that to gain mass and muscle, one has to have a regimen of weights in his routine. Bodybuilders that become professionals in their sport have great physiques because they are big eaters and exercise the right way. Is there a right diet for building muscle and burning fat? What exercise routine should be followed to “bulk up”?
The chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, legs, forearms, and abs are important areas to focus on when working out. If your goal is to build muscle, it is necessary to plan a workout schedule where you concentrate on one body part each day. You will not build muscle and burn fat if you over do it. Don’t forget the necessity of cardio exercise. If you are hoping to bulk-up you should include some form of cardio exercise after your strength-training workout.
Two grams of protein per kg of body-weight must be consumed everyday. Carbohydrates must also be taken in proper amounts if one has to build muscle and burn fat. Chicken breasts, eggs, whey protein, soybeans, olive oil, curd, green vegetables, oatmeal and brown rice are important if you want to build muscle and burn fat. Foods high in fat-content (like butter, red-meat, vegetable oils, junk foods etc.) must be avoided.
People are beginning to see the importance of managing their health. If you spend time at the gym but fail to properly structure your routine and eating habits, you will never build muscle. In order to build muscle and burn fat, you need to alter your diet. Food gives the body energy. If the food we eat is not in the right amounts or the right type of food, we will never be able to gain muscle. In order to build muscle weight training is a necessity. Research has shown that to gain mass and muscle, one has to have a regimen of weights in his routine.
– Rex Freiberger