The Benefits of a Raw Food Bodybuilding Diet

There has been a debate on raw diets vs. cooked diets in the physical culture since the early 1950’s. Among natural bodybuilders, this debate still goes on. This argument is focused mainly on the source of protein coming from a meat source.

Raw bodybuilders have found and proven that you can build a stronger body with natural protein sources such as Hemp Seed Powder and Wheat Grass, which are both rich in protein and iron.

There are immeasurable advantages of a raw food diet for a natural bodybuilder. You will find that you will have more lifting strength and require less rest between sets. Vital nutrients such as enzymes, minerals and vitamins have been depleted from the foods through the cooking process.

You look at the strongest animals such as the gorilla, hippo, rhino, elephant, and they are all consumers of raw food. They seem to be able to build strong muscle without eating cooked foods, wonder how that works?

A Gorilla’s diet is 100 percent raw as are the diets of the other animal’s listed. You can be healthy and build a strong, well-sculpted body with raw organic fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts and sunflower seeds.

Cooked foods are known to clog the body’s digestive system which puts a strain and saps energy from other parts of your body. Building a strong, sculpted body with a raw food diet takes a strong mind with a strong will to succeed. There are some raw food bodybuilders who have found that cooked foods give muscles a temporary inflated look. A foundation needs to be built for muscle to grow, and this can only be done with all natural proteins and carbs that are found in raw, uncooked foods.

When you think of all the nutrients that are just in fruit, you can see the benefits that you would gain from eating them. Botanical fruits are what I am referring to when I speak of fruits. Botanical fruits are fruit that contains seed that regenerate more fruit within itself. These are fruits such as cucumbers, red and green peppers, squash, avocados, tomatoes and many more.

Continue your research on this website on the benefits and health advantages of a raw food diet versus a cooked food diet for your bodybuilding regime. Keep a journal and document how you feel with your raw food diet, you will be able to determine what foods help you the most.

You will see that you will have lasting, healthy results that will last much longer with a natural foundation.

Want to build raw muscles? Visit Raw Bodybuilding and experience the Raw Food Bodybuilding difference.

– Jessica A