If you find yourself snoring obnoxiously, tossing and turning restlessly during sleep and then waking up with a headache, then it might be time to be tested for a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This sleeping disorder often goes undiagnosed, but it can have an immense impact on your general health as with all sleep disorders. Treatment for sleep apnea is shockingly simple and painless, but many patients often neglect the advice of their doctor. That determination is one that can prove dangerous – even deadly. In this article, we’ll talk about the treatments that doctors normally recommend and how they can simply be incorporated into your lifestyle.
There are four basic approaches to apnea treatment, and they can be used conjunctively with one another. The simplest method involves changing the circumstances which may be causing the condition. The patient is advised to lose weight, quit smoking, avoid alcohol and sedative drugs, keep a regular sleeping schedule and try to sleep only on their side. The most common treatment option is using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in the upper airway to support and hold the airway open. This treatment is done by wearing a CPAP mask over the nose. The mask provides a supply of continuously flowing air via a flexible plastic hose from a CPAP machine. Studies have proven that when patients use CPAP, they not only have slept better and were more attentive during the day, but there were significant improvements in the size, shape and pumping action of their hearts.
The third apnea treatment requires the use of a dental splint to prevent the tongue and jaw from moving back and blocking the allowance of air. However, oral devices have not proved to be as effective as CPAP and the appliances can be uncomfortable. The last and most extreme form of remedy is a surgical procedure. This surgery involves removal of part of the soft palate that hangs down in the back of the throat, as well as the tonsils if present, and other soft tissue if it is felt to be excessive. Only severe sleep apnea cases are normally treated this way.
Once you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it’s imperative that you pursue treatment immediately. It’s also important to follow up with your prescribed treatment faithfully. While wearing a dental splint or a CPAP mask might feel uncomfortable at first, you’ll soon be acclimated to it. A few nights of discomfort will be a fair trade off once you see how a restful night of sleep improves your overall health. People who have undergone sleep apnea treatment have reported better moods, fewer headaches, a clearer mind, and improved performance at work.
Receiving immediate treatment for this sleep disorder will better your quality of life. Consult your doctor if you’re having difficulty with your treatment. He can suggest ways to make your care easier or help you to consider other options alternatives. His or her advice will make treating sleep apnea a simple portion of your day that won’t want to go without.
To find additional information on sleeping disorders visit www.sleepingdisorderfacts.com
– Joe Rodgers