The array of weight loss supplements available on the market can be very confusing to the consumer. Here are a few of the common types and how they will benefit someone who wants to lose weight. These supplements fall into two categories, those that directly aid fast weight loss and those that promote general health and will support weight loss.
Appetite suppressants are probably the most popular type of supplement for dieters. They stop a person from feeling hungry. When a person does not feel hungry they are much less likely to over eat or indulge in sweet treats. Stronger versions of this can also be given by prescription.
Carbohydrate blockers are very popular among people who are on a low fat diet. When a person is on a low fat diet, their main source of excess calories tends to be carbohydrates (in particular sugars) so a carb blocker would make sense here. They work by stopping the body from digesting carbohydrates properly. However diabetics need to be cautious with these supplements, as well as people on certain other medications.
Fat blockers are becoming increasingly popular. At one time they were a prescription-only medication, but now they can be bought over the counter. They are popular because they block up to twenty-five percent of fat from being digested, and the unpleasant side effects of eating too much fat whilst on these tablets make motivation to eat low fat foods and avoid these side effects is very high.
Metabolism boosters are often seen as a much more natural option to aid in fat burning. There are also many more herbal preparations of this type. They help the dieter by “speeding up” the body, causing it to burn more fuel while doing the same things. This means that a person will see more weight lost whilst on the same diet program and exercise routine.
A worry for people following a restricted calorie diet is that they are not taking in enough vitamins and minerals. To help with this concern, there are a number of pills available that contain vitamin and mineral mixes specifically designed for people who are on a diet to lose weight. They usually contain plenty of B vitamins and a good mix of general vitamins.
There is a rising trend for healthy super fruit drinks. These drinks contain various extracts, concentrates and juices from exotic fruits that are known to have high levels of various helpful nutritional extras. These drinks generally are not designed to specifically aid in losing weight. Instead, they are designed to promote overall good health, which is often very important to someone on a diet.
There are often supermarket and health food store shelves full of supplements for fast weight loss. However there will never be a magic fat loss pill. In order to successfully lose weight a good diet and exercise program is needed. However, despite that, a good supplement can make the process quicker and easier.
– Ben Pate