What Causes Yeast Infection in The Mouth And How To Treat It.


What Causes Yeast Infection in The Mouth – How Oral Yeast Infections Can Be Easily Treated

Yeast infection in the mouth or medically called as oral thrush is a condition wherein Candida albicans, a type of fungus, grew inside your oral cavity. A question will surely pop into your mind. What causes yeast infection in the mouth? Newborns are exposed to this type of infection during vaginal delivery. There are also infants who are affected by this infection due to the contamination of their pacifiers or nipples of formula bottles.

Adults can also be diagnosed with oral yeast infection which can be caused by both Type I and II Diabetes. If you are using corticosteroid inhalers and were not able to properly rinse your mouth, you are at risk in having oral thrush. If you are a long-term user of oral antibiotics and as well as birth control pills, there is a great possibility that you will develop the condition.

In order for your oral yeast infection to be treated, topical medications such as Nystatin can be applied four times a day onto your oral cavity. Results can be seen after five to seven days. Fluconazole is another medication that is claimed by doctors as more effective than the former. It is applied once a day for at least one week.

If your baby or child is affected by oral yeast infection, it is recommended that you apply the ointment to the nipple of your formula bottles or even to your nipple if you are breastfeeding. This helps in the success of the treatment of your child’s oral thrush. Do you want to totally get rid of your yeast infection and stop it from ever coming back?

Yeast Infection No More(tm):

If yes, then I recommend you use the techniques recommended in the Yeast Infection No More guide and read more about this natural yeast Infection cure manual is helping people allover the world to completely cure their condition.