Overcome Sleep Disturbances – Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you feel cranky from lack of sleep, you aren’t alone. At least one in four adults in the U.S. experiences insomnia. This condition is a sleep disorder in which an individual cannot fall asleep after being in bed for 20 minutes. Sometimes, people fall asleep without a problem, but wake up and remain awake for the rest of the night. Some awaken often at night, or do not feel rested even when they have slept for many hours.

Although insomnia is often worrisome and irritating, severe cases may become quite dangerous. Individuals who are awake for 24 hours have the same problems with reflexes and motor control as individuals have drunk more than the legal limit before driving. Indeed, not sleeping for a whole night is as risky as driving while intoxicated!

Sleeplessness is caused by several elements, such as medication, anxiety, and poor sleeping habits. Drugs like antidepressants or theophylline may be causes of sleep disturbances. Consult the doctor who ordered the medication concerning whether a different drug can be ordered instead.

The majority of insomnia is the result of anxiety and stress. Individuals are worried about employment, careers, and friendships. Days are hectic and filled with things to do and people to see. Before the day’s work is done, the majority of individuals lack time to think about the day’s events. Unfortunately, for most people, the first chance they have to start reviewing these events is at night when they get into bed.

You’ve probably heard the old adage that 98 percent of what we worry about never happens. It is true! Furthermore, worrying about having one’s car repaired won’t assist you to make it to work tomorrow to earn a paycheck to help fix that car. Stress never resolves a thing. Unfortunately, as truthful as this is, trying to concentrate on that fact does not prevent you from worrying or improve the quality of your sleep.

People can become good sleepers by learning how to calm your mind and approach sleeping with positive expectations. Increasing numbers of people are avoiding the use of medication and trying a more innovative approach, which works well at treating most cases of stress-based sleeplessness. Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) experts can start offering needed relief after just a few short visits. Therapists can assist sufferers to uncover, treat, and alleviate sleeplessness almost instantaneously.

People are unique, so some techniques work better for certain people than others. Traditional hypnosis is generally the best approach for individuals who are open to suggestions from others. Those who resist other people’s suggestions usually do not benefit very much from insomnia treatment that centers on traditional hypnotherapy.

The majority of individuals who are affected by severe sleep disturbances are critical thinkers. They often tend to be less receptive to suggestion, and find it difficult to accept that a statement is true merely because an individual states that it is so. Most of the time, these individuals learn that both Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy are much more helpful in treating their insomnia.

Ericksonian hypnosis is works well by overcoming the normal resistance to post-hypnotic suggestion through concealing the suggestions within discussions, stories, and similes. It’s difficult to resist what you don’t consciously pick up on.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming does not require a person to be open to suggestion. It is a technology that permits individuals to focus the mind and use those identical thought patterns and processes that were used to cause a problem, to eradicate it. People can use a number of successful NLP methods to help the mind to use the stressful thought patterns and problems as automatic triggers for peaceful and relaxing thoughts. These methods will not only make you to experience a greater level of peace, they will help you to reach a deeper, more restful sleep.

Summary: Individuals suffering from sleeplessness typically have other illnesses. They are at risk for accidents and emotional issues. The majority of individuals don’t realize how severe the effects of sleep disturbances can be. Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are treatments that may aid sufferers start to conquer sleeping problems in just a few quick treatments. If the expense of visits to a good hypnotherapist is out of your reach, it’s possible to get excellent hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming tapes work as well as private sessions with a practitioner, sometimes better. Sleep tight tonight!

Alan B. Densky, CH. is certified by the NGH, and he is an NLP Practitioner. He offers hypnotherapy CDs for sleep disturbances. He hosts a FREE hypnosis article repository on his Neuro-VISION Video Hypnosis website.

– Alan B. Densky, CH