Who Needs Sleep Anyway? You Can Eliminate Your Insomnia

Sleep is important for an individual’s body to function, mature, and heal itself after an injury. Most studies recommend that adults need from six to eight hours of sleep every night. A number of people, however, find themselves unable to accomplish this. Approximately 20 million Americans alone have major trouble sleeping every night.

Numerous circumstances that create sleeping problems are to blame for this startling statistic. For example, many people snore. Deep snoring sometimes can cause sleeping persons to awaken, in a start, at the noise. Additionally, individuals who have a spouse that is a loud snorer sometimes find it hard to sleep while this racket is occurring in the same room!

Snoring might also be a sign of a similar sleeping disorder called sleep apnea. This problem occurs when someone stops breathing in the middle of sleep. It can be a result of blockages in the nose and sinus passages, or because of excessive weight. This problem can be deadly, and persons who have sleep apnea frequently wear a mask that delivers pressured air to their lungs while they are sleeping.

Sleep apnea can result in narcolepsy, a different sleep disturbance. On occasion, however, people who do not suffer from sleep apnea may develop narcolepsy. Individuals who have this problem frequently fall asleep suddenly and without warning in any place or at any time. If an individual is diagnosed with this problem, the physician usually recommends that patient to avoid driving until the condition is being treated effectively; sleeping while driving can be very dangerous!

Yet another potentially harmfulsleep problem is called sleepwalking, and is also described referred to in medical literature as somnambulism. Persons who sleepwalk do the identical behaviors – cleaning house, taking a shower, walking, et cetera – that they engage in during their waking hours. Nearly 20 percent of the people in the world may sleepwalk.

There are even documented cases where some people have driven or committed extreme crimes during a sleepwalking episode! Most often, however, the individual who is sleepwalking is in significantly greater danger than the persons around him or her. The most effective course of action is to help the person get back to bed.

Another problem described as shift work sleep disorder is often seen in persons who work alternating shift schedules, evening, or night shifts. This problem can result in one of two types of sleeping difficulties: extreme tiredness, or an inability to sleep. Additionally, persons who suffer from this problem experience a greater risk of cancer than individuals who do not have it.

Persons with insomnia frequently have trouble sleeping at night. When they can fall asleep, they often cannot sleep well and awaken easily. They might only sleep for a few hours before awakening.

The consequences of insomnia include feeling sleepy during the day and decreased physical functioning. Despite the fact that individuals who suffer from insomnia may suffer from sleepiness, however, persons who chronically experience insomnia often learn that they are continually overly alert, and cannot easily relax or remain calm. Additional possible effects of this health problem include physical and emotional fatigue.

Many people offer suggestions about how to cure insomnia. These suggestions include some interesting home remedies for insomnia. One of these is a concoction of honey, tea, and milk, although there is no convincing proof demonstrating that this concoction] is effective. Alternative home remedies for insomnia involve such activities as drinking warm milk at bedtime, relaxing while playing slow music, and hot baths.

Additional insomnia cure strategies include Chinese medicine or acupuncture, and aromatherapy. A variety of herbal treatments may be suggested as approaches to cure insomnia, including passionflower, skullcap, and lobelia. Certain individuals even attempt behavioral therapy methods in hopes of finding a potential insomnia cure. A significant number of medicines have also been used to assist people to sleep.

One of the newer cures for insomnia is insomnia hypnosis, or insomnia hypnotherapy. Professionals who practice insomnia hypnotherapy coach people to develop good sleeping patterns by teaching a series of suggestions that will help them to fall asleep with less difficulty. People learn the techniques of self-hypnosis to help them resolve this difficulty. Self-hypnosis is a type of insomnia hypnosis that is frequently effective with clients who are very suggestible, but is significantly less beneficial for those who think analytically. A very similar strategy, called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is usually more helpful with these people.

Such a large number of cures for insomnia exist that one article is unable cover them all. Experts do not agree about how to cure insomnia. Most clients who attempt to use NLP and insomnia hypnosis, however, have reported them to be highly beneficial in assisting them to accomplish their goal of achieving uninterrupted, restful sleep. These uniquely effective strategies, in contrast to sleeping medications or certain cures, has no hangover or negative effects, and can be practiced almost anywhere.

Summary: Between five and ten percent of people living in the United States has been diagnosed with some type of sleeping dysfunction. Insomnia is a sleeping problem that hampers persons from going to sleep or sleeping soundly each night. Various treatments are employed to assist people effectively manage this disorder. One of the most beneficial, as described by people who have experienced this treatment strategy, is hypnotherapy for insomnia.

Alan B. Densky, CH has been an active hypnotherapist for 30 years. He’s done extensive research on sleep disturbances, and developed an effective hypnosis for insomnia program. Visit his Neuro-VISION hypnosis site to take advantage of his Free hypnosis videos, and hypnosis article library.

– Alan Densky