Type Of Diabetes

Different Type of Diabetes

There are many types of diabetes, but the three most common are:

1. Type 1

2. Type 2

3. Gestational

These three types of Diabetes are same with some differences, everyone with diabetes has one thing in common and that is little or no ability to move glucose out of the blood into the cells, where it is converted into body’s primary fuel. We all have glucose in our blood, whether or not we have diabetes. Main source for glucose is food which we eat. When we eat, the digestive system breaks down food into glucose, which is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.

People who don’t suffer from diabetes depend on insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas, to move glucose from the blood into the body’s billions of cells. But people who suffer from diabetes either don’t produce insulin or can’t efficiently use the insulin produced in their body. Without insulin, glucose can’t move into blood cells. Scientists don’t know the exact reason behind cause’s diabetes, but it seems to be a result from a combination of genetics and environmental factors, including viral infections, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle. Till now, diabetes has no solution, but the good news is that the disease can be managed and treated. People with diabetes can live fulfilling, healthy lives.

Type 1

Diabetics with type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or IDDM don’t produce insulin and require regular supply of insulin to keep their blood glucose levels normal. Type 1 diabetes was known as juvenile-onset diabetes, but that name has been changed because type 1 diabetes also strikes young and older adults alike.

Risk factors

A family history of the diabetes increases risk for next generations.
Diabetes can happen in people of every society, but it’s most common among whites.
Half of type 1 diabetics are under the age of 20. Being age 20 or younger increases the risk.

What causes it?

Most of the children, whose parents are diabetics, do not suffer from this disease, but scientists still believe that heredity plays a big role in Type 1 diabetes because it tends to run in families.
Researchers have researched on several genes that appear to increase risk of type 1 diabetes. But they haven’t got a single gene that causes diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes has many hallmarks of an auto-immune condition. In auto-immune diseases, the immune system, this protects from disease by killing invading germs. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the immune system kills the cells in the pancreas that produces insulin.
Type 1 diabetes often occurs shortly after a viral infection, and doctors sometimes notice a sharp jump in type 1 diabetes diagnoses after viral epidemics.

Type 2

Approximately 95 % of diabetics suffer with type 2 diabetes which is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or NIDDM. Type 2 Diabetics produces insulin, but the cells in their bodies are “insulin resistant” they can’t respond properly to the hormone, so glucose is accumulated in their blood. Some people with type 2 diabetes inject insulin, but mostly can control the disease through a combination of weight loss, exercise, a prescription oral diabetes medication, and tight control.

Risk factors

Similar to Type 1, Type 2 disease also runs in families and increase the risk for upcoming generations.
Most of the diagnosed people with type 2 are above of age 30 or older. Half of all new cases lie between age 55 and older.
In comparison of whites and Asians, type 2 diabetes is more commonly found among Native Americans, African-Americans, Latinos, and Hispanics.
Insulin resistance results in increment of weight and decrement of physical activities. Most of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes have sedentary lifestyles and are obese; there weight increases at least 20 percent more than the recommended weight according to their height and build.
Less exercise, especially for those who are overweight, increases the risk for diabetes.
If a female developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy, she is at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes later.
Females who have given birth to babies weighing 9 pounds or more are at an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

What causes it?

Scientists are not sure, but type 2 diabetes, like type 1 diabetes, flows from families to families, which shows some genetic connection. In fact, a genetic link in Type2 diabetes seems even stronger in comparison with type 1. Scientists have not yet found a single gene that causes the disease, but they are still in search for errors in several that may contribute to the disease. Researchers also have a doubt on genetic susceptibility to obesity.

Obesity is the only single most important cause of type 2 diabetes. There are different definitions for obesity, but in general, Obesity occurs if a person’s weight is at least 20 percent more than what’s recommended according to their height and build. 75% of people with type 2 diabetes have problem of being overweight. That’s why type 2 diabetes is usually linked with diet and exercise.

Less weight and good muscles helps the body use insulin more effectively. This is very important to know how much weight we should carry. People whose weight is above their hips have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who carry it on their hips.

Age also plays an important role in type 2 diabetes. Most of the newly diagnosed are of age 55 and above, and around 11 percent of Americans ages 65 to 74 suffers from type 2 diabetes. However, it is not sure if age is a cause of type 2 diabetes or it is simply a reflection of the fact that people tend to gain weight and become less physically active as they grow older.


Gestational diabetes affects only to pregnant ladies without any previous history of diabetes. Nearly 137,000 U.S. females develop gestational diabetes each year.

Typically, gestational diabetes is cleared up on its own after female’s delivery. But research shows that about 40% of females with gestational diabetes face type 2 diabetes within 15 years. All pregnant ladies should be tested for gestational diabetes between their 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes and insulin resistance can be prevented by keeping a healthy weight, having healthy food and with the help of regular exercise.

Risk factors

Diabetes problem flows from generation to generation.
Increase in weight, increases insulin resistance.
Native Americans, African-Americans, and people of Hispanic or Latino descent are at increased risk. Whites and Asians have a lower risk.

What causes it?

Hormones may play an important role. Pregnant ladies produce various hormones important for their baby’s growth. However, these hormones may interfere with the mother’s body’s ability to properly use insulin, causing insulin resistance.

Every pregnant lady has some degree of insulin resistance. But if this resistance becomes full-blown gestational diabetes, it usually appears around the 24th week of pregnancy. That’s why all pregnant ladies should be screened for gestational diabetes at that time.

Prashant Jain