ACE inhibitors stop the production of a hormone called angiotensin II that makes the blood vessels narrow. As a result, the vessels expand, improving blood flow. Tension in the circulation is also lowered by the kidneys filtering more fluid from the blood vessels into urine. This also helps reduce blood pressure. If your blood pressure is not easily controlled on simple medication, your doctor will probably use a medicine of this type.
While most cases of high blood pressure arise from an unknown set of factors, in some cases a definite cause is clearly identified. In these cases, treatment will have two different goals. First, to control the high blood pressure. Second, to relieve, if possible, the underlying cause. Someone with high blood pressure because of an underlying hormone disorder, for example, would likely be controlled on blood pressure medications but would also be treated in an attempt to resolve the hormone imbalance at the root of the problem.
The most commonly used diuretic to treat high blood pressure in the UK is called bendroflumethiazide (bendrofluazide) – but there are others. For example, chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, cyclopenthiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, and indapamide. Diuretics work by increasing the amount of salt and fluid that you pass out in your urine. This has some effect on reducing the fluid in the circulation which reduces blood pressure. They may also have a ‘relaxing’ effect on the blood vessels which reduces the pressure within the blood vessels. Only a low dose of a diuretic is needed to treat high blood pressure. Therefore, you will not notice much diuretic effect (you will not pass much extra urine).
Even people who do not have hypertension know that diet plays a very important role in the cause or prevention of this health condition. And it is true. If your diet is high in fat and sodium, you have an increased risk of having high blood pressure. So you better avoid food that is high in salt, sugar and fat.
But before going on a diet, you should also put into consideration your age and weight. Not all types of diet programs can be applied to everyone. It is important that your diet should not only be healthy, but somehow it should also fit your tastes and lifestyle.
The preferred treatment of choice for those suffering high blood pressure is usually a change of lifestyle. For those who are overweight, smoke, lead highly stressful lives or seldom exercise, sometimes this is the only wake up call they need. Once they make the necessary lifestyle adjustments, they will often find their blood pressure symptom restored to a more normal range.
If you have high blood pressure, or have just been diagnosed with it, you may have concerns and questions about how it is going to be treated and how high blood pressure will affect you in your day-to-day life. You may also be worried about how high blood pressure will affect your future health.
Slightly raised blood pressure may not need to be treated so aggressively, but regular monitoring is important. If you have very severe high blood pressure, you may need to go to hospital for treatment. But it’s much more likely that you will be cared for by your GP and/or a nurse.
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