Almost one third of the population of the USA currently has, or have had in the past, hemorrhoids. This common issue is caused by poor diet, constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, and other health issues. Hemorrhoids usually develop from damaged blood vessels and membranes in the anal canal or rectum, and can be extremely painful or itchy. While they usually go away on their own if given time to heal, they can be very bothersome while healing. Using a hemorrhoid home remedy can help a person suffering with hemorrhoids feel more comfortable, and can help them heal faster.
The best hemorrhoid home remedy is a better diet. If your current diet lacks fiber, or if you do not drink enough water on a daily basis, constipation and hard stools can cause or aggravate a hemorrhoid. Healing is difficult when still suffering from constipation or painful stools, so taking water soluble fiber or drinking more water may be needed. Eating more vegetables, especially dark green colors like spinach and kale, will also help with hemorrhoids by softening the stool.
A cold compress in some situations will also help treat the discomfort that hemorrhoids causes. Cold compression therapy generally requires applying a cold pad or ice pack to the inflicted area for twenty minutes every two hours. Cold compression has been shown to reduce the swelling caused by hemorrhoids and will help speed up the recovery process.
The first home treatment for the relief of hemorrhoids is applying a topical moisturizer. One of the common hemorrhoids causes is dehydration, and applying a topical moisturizer can help ease the pain by rehydrating the skin on and around the hemorrhoid. Prior to applying a moisturizer, be sure the product is designed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Other moisturizers could cause a stinging sensation or possibly infection.
Hemorrhoid sufferers often seek treatments in a doctors office. A common procedure is banding hemorrhoids which will likely be considered by a doctor. Banding hemorrhoids involves the removal of hemorrhoids by placing a rubber band around it, effectively cutting off the blood supply. After a couple of weeks, the hemorrhoid will fall off. Unfortunately, banding hemorrhoids can cause several complications. These include infection, blood clots which will cause further problems with hemorrhoids, increased discomfort instead of pain relief, and excessive bleeding. These complications make many people wary of banding hemorrhoids.
There is a product that can be used for the treatment of hemorrhoid, it’s called calmovil. Calmovil is a natural hemorhhoid supplement used in the relief of pain and discomfort, reduceing the size and to promote blood flow. Calmovil is absorbed quickly into your body and paople have noted relief almost instantly.
Looking to find info on cures for hemorrhoids, then visit our site to find the best advice on Sitting on the Job a Sure Way to Get Hemorrhoids for you.