Health Advantages Of Slimming Tea

Teas in all its forms are easy for your body to process and are perfect for those people who are on a detox or who have delicate digestive systems. Tea consists of virtually no calories unless you add sugar and milk, so it is a great way to decrease your calorie intake as an alternative for much more fattening drinks such as coffee. It is enjoyed by numerous as one of the more pleasant and convenient aids of losing weight. Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world on a par with water. With so numerous different varieties of tea for example Black, White, Green, Oolong and Puerh, how beneficial are they to our wellness?

White Tea is said to contain a higher level of antioxidants which are linked with helping to decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer. It also assists to reduce the amount of toxins in the body. It is an uplifting tea, ideal for individuals who require a pep up or if they are feeling run down. Traditional Chinese Medicine claim that White tea has a cooling impact, particularly a blend called Silver Needle which is commonly used to treat dental problems, inflammation, fevers and skin ailments.

Green Tea also consists of a higher level of antioxidants. One of its main antioxidant compounds Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has been studied closely for its wellness benefits and results have shown it is very effective in weight loss and decreasing cholesterol levels. EGCG at its highest concentration is found in the very young, new unopened buds of tips of the plant. Similarly to White Tea it also is believed to have a cooling impact and is widely utilized to treat inflammation.

Puerh Tea is well established for its weight loss benefits. It works alongside the metabolism and assists to breakdown the fat deposits in the entire body. It is considered to become one of the most helpful of tea varieties in its numerous useful properties, such as decreasing blood lipid content, decreasing plaque build up in the arteries and helping to aid digestion. It is rumoured it reduces the effects of a hangover if consumed before and after alcohol consumption!

Black Tea isn’t as plentiful in health benefits compared to other teas although it still has health benefits of its own. It contains really high levels of the antioxidants Theaflavins and Thearubigins. As well as having the same benefits as general antioxidants do, studies show that these chemicals act as powerful anti-clastogenics which assist prevent breakage and breakdown of cells. It is believed to help with circulatory difficulties as it increases warmth in the entire body.

Oolong Tea contains the highest concentration of Polyphenols. Polyphenols are believed to help fight free radicals which we get regular exposure from though pollutants in the environment, chemicals in food and even those that occur naturally in the body. Oolong is said to be warming, aid digestion, be really cleansing of impurities and help to ease headaches.

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Drink Tea And Burn Off Weight

There is no doubt that tea is healthy and good for you particularly when drank without milk and sugar, but just how effective is tea at helping you shed weight?

With Green tea, it has just as many health benefits as you would find in Black tea except it functions in a much more effective way as the tea is purer. Tea is thought to halve your chances of being affected by cardiac difficulties as well as helping to fight dental cavities and plaque.

Drinking tea also effectively burns more calories than just taking caffeine like a tablet as your body has to cool down the hot drink after it is consumed which burns a lot more energy (therefore more calories than tea itself contains) You are able to potentially lose weight in this way should you drink enough tea regularly. It is low in fat but very nutritional. It assists strengthen the heart, aids digestion, is a very refreshing drink and works like a pick me up when recovering from fatigue. Tea can also assist prevent Hyperlipidemia (excessive amounts of fat and fatty substances in the blood) and control the ratio of cholesterol and phospholipids (a group of fatty compounds found in living cells)

Tea contains Theophylline, tea Polyphenols, amino acids, minerals and vitamins as well as trace elements including iron, potassium and sodium. Theophylline stimulates the metabolism and has a mild diuretic effect. You are able to feel really full and satisfied drinking tea which reduces the wish to binge on food which will result in weight loss.

There are many various varieties of tea used and enjoyed for various reasons but when it comes to a weight reduction supplement you will find several teas which are highly acknowledged for their weight loss advantages.

Probably the most common tea that individuals associate with weight loss is Green tea. Green tea turns the metabolism up a notch, suppresses appetite and helps to stabilise blood sugar. This means you’ll consume fewer calories than usual but will be burning off extra calories simultaneously which is bound to assist you shift any additional weight. It is suggested for maximum results that you consume 5 cups of Green tea a day.

One of the most appreciated weight loss teas in China is Oolong. It functions along the same way as Green tea however with its higher caffeine content it stimulates the body’s metabolism even more. Oolong tea helps to enhance digestion particularly of fat. Like other Green teas, 5 cups daily are suggested to reap the advantages of Oolong.

Two other blends of tea commonly used for weight loss are herbal and Puerh tea. It is reported than drinking Puerh tea lowers levels of cholesterol. Puerh tea is a variation of black tea that’s an acquired taste simply because of its strong distinctive flavour.

In conclusion, tea is a very useful (and tasty) addition to a weight loss program. Combined with the correct diet and a little exercise, tea can help you to achieve a healthy weight alongside a healthy body.

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